School Visit Testimonials


Nicole Yamamoto

3rd grade teacher in Hayward, CA

“Thank you SO much for coming today to read your book to my class! The kids absolutely loved it and had so many great things to say after we ended our Zoom meeting. I've never done an author's visit before, so it was incredibly fun to experience one with someone as vibrant as you!”

4th Grade Student

Brandford, CT

“Mmm! I could just smell and taste the locro!”

Kelsey Strauss

4th grade teacher in Islip, NY

“Thank you so much for meeting with us today! My students have not stopped telling everyone about the ‘cool, famous author they got to meet.’ You made their day!”

Danielle Melia

Library media specialist in Jericho, NY

“I just wanted to send a heartfelt thank you for your time yesterday. The students and teachers were so excited and inspired by your visit.”